September 2011-13           Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in choral direction                                                      
Maj 2011                             AAVF, winner of the competition for vocal groups
                                            with Transister Radio Girls
Juli 2010                              Vokal Total, Graz, with Transister Radio Girls.
Juni 2010                             Solevoci Vocal Festival, Italy, with Transister Radio Girls.              
September 2009-11            VoiceEmbodiment
April 2009                            VOCAbularies, back up singer for Bobby McFerrin
Juni 2008                            Graduated from the Rytmic Conservatory of Copenhagen.
Sept.-dec. 2007                  Arranging and composition with Roger Treece, N.Y.
2003- 2008                         Rytmic Conservatory of Copenhagen. Teachers:
                                          Etta Cameron, Marie Bergman og Anne Rosing-Schow
2000-2003                        MGK (conservatory preschool) voice major.

  • Time for Reflection, Pernille Sejlund, 2014
  • VOCAbularies, Bobby Mcferrin 2010
    Willas Wildlife, titlesong, 2010
    Vokal Total Compilation, Transister Radio Girls 2010
    Fødselsdagssang for Dronning Margrethe 2010
    Elias & Kongeskibet, voice over, 2009
    Om at Gro, Peter Bom 2008
    Frimærkealbum, Og hvad er klokken 2006
    Ninas Sange, Pia Scharling 2006
    Ultraktement, Ultraktement 2005
    Bonnie Denise & the Expectations, Ep, 2005
    Stringing the Beads, Vokalkompagniet 2004
    Purple Thoughts, Bonnie Denise 1999
  • For more detailed CV click here : Bonnie Denise CV 2018